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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
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Thursday, September 10, 2015
Will the crude oil windfall make the “India Story” complete?
Will the crude oil windfall make the “India Story” complete?
Anoop Swarup

It is said that economic theories are only good for academics but not for intelligent animals and of course not for real world politics. Are the ‘acchey din’ (good days) here again? Well a lot will be incumbent on the policy response to the drop in crude oil prices, well over 25% since July that means a cumulative saving of USD 10 billion or INR 61000 crore for the Indian economy. Surely, this is a windfall for a country like India, which has large oil import needs and external adjustment pressures that also impact its overall credit ratings. No wonder external agencies such as Fitch Ratings are now painting a rosy picture with better economic growth prospects, improved terms of trade provided that the lower prices are sustained below USD 90/bbl through 2015, as being forecast.
But there is a lot more than what meets the eye! Incidentally this month’s production output has been the highest for the last two years by OPEC at 31.06 million bpd according to Reuter’s surveys. Latest reports suggest that the weighted average marginal cost of oil at Shale dominated onshore at USD 73 a barrel plays an important role in fixing international oil price and therefore a short position now will play a major role for a rally later as observed in case of gold. Also, paradoxically there would be a big winner in the US oil industry and the US consumer who gain a rebate of almost USD 600 per household in case Brent crude falls to USD 80 per Barrel. Yes, there would be an income boost to the BRICS as also the emerging economies as their net oil import bills are significant. On the world stage the global economy is set to have a daily windfall of USD 1.8 billion dollars.
The big question remains whether or not the impact will be passed on to the consumers for positive consumption effect as the lower oil prices may not only help in lowering inflation but also may act as a trade offset. Our policy makers have the twin challenge to bolster growth while reducing the external account deficits. Thus in India the diesel prices were rightly enough, deregulated on October 18 and the direct impact on headline fiscal forecast is expected to be limited making the fiscal accounts more robust against future oil shocks as both diesel and petrol prices will now be determined by the markets. Unlike in Indonesia where President Joko Widodo raised the administered price by over 30% recently to cater to the fuel subsidies and to implement his reforms agenda, to make the best of this happy reversal of fortunes, India is yet to come up with some very ingenious measures to make the best of the fortune.
Let us also have a brief overview of the impact of such a fall in countries other than India. Lest we forget, the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991 was preceded by a fall in price of oil, its main export by two thirds during 1980 and 1986. Likewise oil producing countries such as Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and Libya, now are in turmoil as the price of Brent crude fell over 25% in the last three months and for countries such as Saudi Arabia their budgets may go into red as this translates into a yearly loss of 100 billion USD in export income. Venezuela wants oil at USD 120 barrel and Iran at USD 135 a barrel to sustain their spending plans. Even emerging economies like Brazil want to have high oil prices to attract investments for its deep offshore oil reserves.
The assumption is not off the mark that though a windfall for some, at least half the world economy may face a slowdown with crude oil prices at historic low. On a strategic front it is held that by 2018 the US crude will replace the entire Middle East production that will also help the US save its dollar from being replaced as a reserve trading currency. Similarly, Russia has much more to achieve on the strategic front with higher defense and military spending in recent years that can be met only by higher production and higher prices currently estimated at USD 130 a barrel for its sustainability. There is no denying the fact that sovereign funds accumulated over the years by the Middle East and Arab world, have been a threat to the US and the European economies. Thus there appears to be a competing drive to achieve more production outcomes rather than just the debt sustainability that is ostensibly professed by these nations.
In order to sustain crude at levels of USD 120 there have been concerted and frantic efforts by many oil majors that need a potential capital spend of over 550 billion USD in the next ten years for newer projects and to keep pace with higher oil field service bills. Thus there is an imminent danger of a price war that will keep pace with a cold war between major oil exporters. The aggressive Russian posturing and the latest air strikes by the US in Syria at targeted oil facilities controlled by the ISIS may be a pointer of the shape of things to come. Mathew Levitt, a former US financial intelligence official has reportedly stated that ‘the ISIS is probably the wealthiest terrorist group we have ever known’ as it now controls a huge swath of land area that is now bigger than the UK and has enormous revenue currently estimated by Iraq Energy Institute at over USD 3 million a day from the oil resources that it controls and the discounted sales in the black market at USD 40 a barrel.
No wonder that the reason why crude prices are on the down swing now need no further elaboration. Let us now examine the policy imperatives and a strategic plan for India at this juncture. Of course India needs superb storage facilities for a time when crude price may hit the roof in the international market as also better exploration outcomes and efficiencies in existing production. Developing alternative energy resources particularly for the agriculture and agro-business sector may be a necessity as in the near future the world economy will have a predicted slow down with consequential impact on India. Also on the downside is also the fear of a unemployment due to a prolonged and massive slow down of global economy. We may at this stage question RBI about cutting down interest rates as the economy is now in terms of the FRBM as promised during the last budget.
For India, though the India story gets a boost when global growth is weakening, the twin deficits–current account and fiscal–will surely moderate and inflation will decline with liquidity in the banking system likely to improve leaving more room for cutting interest rates. Yet there is no need for complacency–notwithstanding the jubilation among the public over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much publicized India story because its too early in the day and the story is far from complete! Indeed there is the conventional wisdom, but there are pertinent issues that we should not be losing sight of. As it is perhaps the conventional wisdom that has held us back all these years! Now since the global crude prices are low and are expected to be below USD 100 until March 2015 based on the reports from the world market in view of the low productivity and demand in the US, Europe and China. Finance Minister Arun Jaitly may well have an opportunity as India’s emerging economy not only needs more crude from abroad but also the surplus funds that would now be available for investments in well thought out policy initiatives to break from the ghosts of the past.
The crude war is indeed dirty. There are so many challenges and we may have little to smile at due to the dark clouds that loom on the horizon.The drop in crude oil price has given an opportunity that we cannot afford to throw away by inadequate policy response.
On values, morals, ethics and good governance Mr. Prime Minister!
On values, morals, ethics and good governance Mr. Prime Minister!

Anoop Swarup
Let us examine the underpinnings in a democracy such as ours as also the continuities and change in our societal heritage in the backdrop of both ancient and modern practices of our own upbringing, values that transcend socio religious beliefs, public life and duties, private morals and virtues, political governance and personal rights, and responsibilities.
We may have no doubt that such a study is important as it stands at the intersection between the practice of our belief system, our own democratic citizenship, and the exercise of morals, values and political ethics.
This issue has been addressed through the ages in different countries, on law and morality, from the Vedic ages and ancient Mesopotamia to the age of enlightenment to modern times; this millennium’s scientific, technological and information transformations to that of evolving links with various cultures, religions, practices, civilizations and different beliefs. Also intricate and complex ethical issues in domestic and international democratic governance that in varying contexts assume critical importance for our developing economy in today’s globalizing world should be understood before we understand morals, ethics, values and good governance.
I do believe that when a government and its representatives such as ours justify their actions in our name that is the public at large, we not only have the right but also a moral duty to be concerned. Thus public wrong doing or even apathy by the political class or the bureaucrats or for that matter even the judiciary may not be exposed by the fourth estate and that leads to the need for us to separate individual citizens who bear a special responsibility. It is not very infrequent that individual citizens may bear the wrath of failures of their representatives and the state institutions and the intellectual class will have to be responsible and act lest they would be taken to be morally corrupt be complicit. A case in point is the lal batti (beacon light now in different colors) culture of the ruling classes that include all the pillars of our democracy and the clamor for more goodies such as pensions by the elected representatives. The confrontation with the political class of any ideology is a moral dilemma or an ethical challenge that many a times institutional remedies fail to cope with and hence we need a fair discourse on the issue.
Our obligation to participate in the democratic process does make it incumbent on us to question every decision of the political class that tends to believe that it is the master particularly due to the feudal mindset of our polity. It is in this context particularly welcome is the call of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that each of the 125 crore citizen in our country will be his ‘think tank’. We should nonetheless be mindful that obligation to participate in the democratic process is much greater when we risk serving as accomplices in the process. At this juncture I may question whether a country such as ours that is steeped in poverty, ignorance, superstitions, beliefs and identities in the garb of ‘unity in diversity’ be allowed to delay the process of development, prosperity, literacy, scientific temperament and positivity? If the answer is no than it is high time that we should be led by the ‘highest common factor’ and not the ‘least common multiple’. If this be the case than the time is ripe for our country to have a debate on Presidential form of Government where the country is led by the professionals and experts in disparate fields instead of so called public representatives who may be good orators but have little interest in good governance and perhaps negligible understanding of the very complex and intricate policy issues and processes. Having said so based on my own past dealings with the political class in various Ministries of the Government I may assert that more often than not the babus do tend to find an easy way to either discover a via media or be complicit with their political masters much to the detriment of the masses. Thus the two pillars in our democracy more by incidence than by design only fortify each other much to the detriment of the masses. It is also very frequently asserted that the fourth estate is only a fiction and does not exist. The notable exception is judiciary but in most cases justice can be delayed and perhaps denied due to complicity in an archaic and stale framework of eighteenth century Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence that we have inherited from the Raj days.
Now let me briefly delve into the apathy that our bureaucrat and political masters have when it comes to good quality school education for all our children who will be the citizens of tomorrow’s India. I may mention that with all the talk on introducing values and morals in the Universities, it is indeed the Schools that we should be more focused on. There is no denying that over the years we have created a distinct division between the haves and have nots in having government schools that in most cases impart poor quality education on one hand and the convents and the public schools in private hands on the other hand that invariably see a mad rush from desperate parents who spend their savings of a life time and loans in ensuring admissions for their wards. A society that does not care for its future generations has no right to question moral deprivations, and values in society and above all corruption at the political stage. It is amazing that when I questioned a bureaucrat who was incidentally vested with many other charges apart from elementary education in a state government when he replied demurely that the cost would be immense considering over 100,000 schools in the state. My obvious retort to him was to do away with all the unnecessary departments in the state ranging from fisheries development and public works to public enterprises and electricity and to just focus on key areas such as elementary education, health and infrastructure rest being a policy outcome as is being done in most countries.
When it comes to access, equity and quality of education that indeed holds the key to a good and enlightened society we should bank more on policy outcomes such as the concept of neighborhood schools and mid day meals, attract the best in the society to school education particularly government schools and to deliberate on what constitutes good education than on introducing mindless changes in the course content and curricula by the reigning political class and leave it to the academia. It will not be a surprise that the more the political and bureaucrat class control the quality of education more it will be the detrimental to the quality of education.
Postscript: I am reminded of Mahatma Gandhi, who had once noted : “I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to Swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubts and yourself melt away.” Ironically enough, the thumb rule prescribed by the Mahatma seems to have been forgotten completely by the political masters and bureaucrats.
Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid: A case for “Acchey Din” Mr. Prime Minister
Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid: A case for “Acchey Din” Mr. Prime Minister
Dr Anoop Swarup
Is there fortune at the bottom of the pyramid? Yes indeed, I raise the question notwithstanding the assertion of Raghuram Rajan, the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, who made a case before the Bankers that there was no fortune at the bottom and therefore not to look for it but only to seek reasonable profits. I would beg to differ and almost certainly go with C K Prahalad and Stuart L Hart who had made a strong case to the contrary in the Journal Strategy+ Business almost a decade ago that there indeed was fortune at the bottom of the pyramid and it is for us to make the best of the opportunity.
Obviously enough in our country the opportunity is there for a hitherto unrecognized and undiscovered world of prosperity in the heartland of rural India that can be unleashed for its unrealized potential. I foresee the wind of change that is now blowing across the rural landscape in our country and the dynamism of our youth and our entrepreneurial men and women that had unfortunately gone untapped over the years. We see that in recent years there has been an unprecedented rise in emerging opportunities and employment generation in rural India. In a recent report submitted to the Prime Minister, the potential to generate employment opportunities have been highlighted as there is a projected annual demand of 100 lakh additional vocational capacity necessary to cope with the rising demand for workers in rural India who have to be trained for country’s future needs. The unemployed as well as the underemployed in our country in terms of policy recommendations and opportunities have to be skilled on an urgent basis so that the demographic dividend is brought in line with the emerging opportunities. No wonder that the rising rural prosperity levels have been estimated to generate at least 100 million additional and self employment opportunities both in formal and non formal sectors in our country. There emphasis has to be on agriculture, animal husbandry, agro-industry, rural services and related vocations.
The Indian economy generates every year about seven million employment opportunities more so in rural settings but there is a lack of accurate information both in terms of numbers and places. With the rise in the productivity of Indian agriculture, crop yields have almost doubled in a decade and improving plant nutrition through micro-nutrient analysis and improving irrigation through deep chiseling of soil has resulted in a tripling of crop yields necessitating a three-fold increase in the requirement of farm technicians and labour force. The rise in rural incomes consequential to the rise in productivity has unleashed a multiplier effect with increase in the demand for farm and non-farm products thus stimulating opportunities for growth of other service sectors.
There is an increasing realization that Indian agriculture is constrained by weak linkages between agriculture training and extension, crop production, farm credit and insurance programmes, creation of linkages between crop insurance, crop loans, and farm school training and improved cultivation practices means an emerging prospect for a new breed of young professionals. This would also entail a requirement for prospective artisans who may range from agriculture graduates, management and marketing graduates, entrepreneurs and change agents. On another important front, rise in rural prosperity, with more and better health care products being introduced, require medical and paramedic staff to man the primary health centres and the various pathology labs in rural areas. Similarly investment both public and private that includes road connectivity through the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Nirman Yojana and the construction of offices and residential accommodation is the need of the hour in almost all the states. Similarly water, sanitation, hygiene now being resourced through the Swach Bharat Abhiyan that has seen a quantum jump in investments from both the State and the Central Government would require both civil engineering and architectural professionals apart from the ITI and polytechnic trained youth. There is concomitant requirement in both traditional and non-traditional sources such as Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biofuels and Geothermal as also the mining and resource sectors have seen a dramatic rise necessitating huge investments both from private and public resources thus requiring huge demand on both engineering and skilled manpower for construction and manning of the utilities and services. On the Sports, Tourism and Adventure front considering the huge interest in India particularly for offbeat places and the fact that the Ministry of Youth affairs and Sports as also the Ministry of Tourism and Culture have a strategic plan for investments in a big way through its network of Hotels, Archaeological Sites, World Heritage sites and places of historical interest the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism as also the Sports Authority of India and the Nehru Yuvak Kendras, have projected an increasing demand for sportsmen and women both amateurs and professionals as also hospitality and tourism professionals who will contribute to the massive demand as also participation in national and international events for the country. Let us now examine the literacy and education front where in keeping with our resolve to be a developed nation there is a dire necessity to educate and empower rural masses both on the adult literacy front and the primary school education front thus entailing the requirement for trained teachers in virtually every field ranging from languages, sciences, mathematics and humanities to physical education and vocational education & skilling.
A recent report recommends the establishment of newer agro-processing industries, fisheries and horticulture initiatives, dairy and bee-keeping cooperatives, pomiculture and sericulture products, village-based farm schools to demonstrate the impact of advanced technology, establishment of a network of sophisticated test laboratories, high volume precision analysis of 13 essential plant nutrients, recommendation of individualized packages of cultivation practices for each crop, new agro product, location and soil profile that would necessitate well equipped professionals who will bring about reforms and revolutionize past practices. If anyone has any doubts on the requirement of computer sciences and software professionals in rural India he is in for a shock as a new study reveals that the requirements for these skilled professionals is in for a quantum jump at Block and village level. The establishment of Rural Information Centers to act as a medium for transmission of all information and its uplink to the Districts and the State Capitals in a global age is the need of the hour. Also increasingly concepts such as the ‘Sanchar Haat’ and ‘e Choupal’ where meteorology, weather and soil test data as also recommended practices, access to current input and market prices, and other essential information for upgrading agriculture, agro products, village industries and exports is now a dire necessity.
On the export front, recent policy measures to encourage handicrafts, rural arts and crafts to encourage our traditional knowledge will encourage small and medium enterprises as also help agri-business firms and self-help groups to increase access to advanced technology, quality inputs, bank credit, processing, marketing and insurance.
There will be a need for young professionals to take charge both as self employed entrepreneurs and as skilled professionals who may contribute as partners and employees in the emerging rural prosperity revolution. In keeping with the rise in rural productivity the services sector particularly in banking and finance I foresee a new wave that will be sweeping the rural heartland that is fast emerging as the final frontier to usher in a revolution for better financial and personal services, micro-credit and insurance services. There is a emerging need for professionals in the vast financial services and financial planning sector that is seeing a year on year rise of almost 25 percent and it is for the new government to make the best of it.
On the eve of the New Year 2015, now free from electoral compulsions and political posturing the time is ripe Mr. Prime Minister for a decisive government where good policy and planning backed by real governance has to be the norm as promised. In our debate on ‘India Vs Bharat’ it is high time that the Prime Minister, with the right resolve, focuses on the rural heartland that is the real Bharat to bring in ‘Acchey Din’ (good days). Indeed it is the highly qualified professionals who are ready to work in rural settings who have to be encouraged and inspired to not only ‘make in India’ but more importantly to realize the ‘made in India’ dream come true. This would be a very welcome coming of age of India’s development and thought agenda and in no less a measure an omen for the change that would take the world by storm and the vision of Mahatma Gandhi will not be too distant a dream that ‘the future of India would be in its villages”.
A case for Modinomics and reforms, forthcoming budget and lowering of taxes
A case for Modinomics and reforms, forthcoming budget and lowering of taxes
Anoop Swarup
In an earlier column I had presented a case for ‘achey din’ for the Prime Minister in view of the anticipated bonanza to the developing world, particularly India as a spin off to the global crude oil windfall. Now with the Budget Session due next month, the Direct Tax Code and the budgetary exercises being in full swing with the North Block mandarins I would make a case for lowering of the tax regime. This indeed is imperative to kick start the growth engines in the economy and for bringing about a favourable investment climate. For the Prime Minister this also unravels an opportunity to do away with the poorly planned government schemes and the half hearted and shoddy austerity measures of the years bygone. In no less a measure this should not turn out to be another exercise in vain for jacking up of government investments in ill conceived development schemes of the past that have miserably failed the masses over the post independence years.
In fact the danger looming before the world at large is because of uncertain markets and the poor export demand internationally. Let us briefly review the global scene and the response from other economies. The question indeed is whether we follow the traditional Keynesian economics of lowering the taxation rates to boost household savings for improving the investment climate or for annual deficit budgets that bank on burrowed funds leading to fiscal deficits, for public subsidies and investments in poorly conceived socio-economic programmes that India is used to. I draw a simile to Narendra Modi with John F Kennedy who became the President of the United States in 1961 and brought Keynesian ideas to national thinking to expand national income. One of his key policy measures was to drastically reduce taxes and the outcome was phenomenal with a five fold rise in real GDP and fall in unemployment rates.
Incidentally with a growth forecast of 7.3 percent during 2015 the Chinese government is on an overdrive to boost its investments in order to maintain its growth forecasts like many other economies whereas the United States is currently struggling to get inflation to reflect manufacturing and construction take off. It is worth understanding that Quantitative Easing is an unconventional technique first used by the Bank of Japan more than a decade ago and now by many administrations such as with the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve. Most economies including India focus on buying covered bonds, a form of corporate debt, thus the US federal reserve holdings equal almost 20 percent of US GDP whereas European Central Banks assets were worth 30 percent of its GDP. We know that almost 60 percent of the US corporate cash reserve are outside the US and bringing it back would imply raising the taxation rates which will not be politically or economically the right approach for the Obamanomics think tank. It is also an equally interesting observation that invariably huge public investments as during the great depression or government austerity measures as in the past to kick start the economy may not yield as good a result as boosting of the cash reserves with the consumers and the households. Further the stock markets ostensibly are driven more by the confidence of the consumers and in India the highly volatile stock market conditions need such an adrenaline push in no less a measure. It is also an irony that barely 1 percent of the population in India perhaps the service class pays its taxes and bears the burden of welfare schemes as also the plan and non-plan expenditure for the government. In the developed world and more so in countries such as the US historical study reveals that low interest rates and reduced indirect taxation rates do spook up investments. In a country like India where individual enterprise and entrepreneurship have been traditionally valued as an asset, lowering of tax rates thereby making goods and services cheap would help not only in boosting household savings but also in improving the investment climate as a whole. Considering the inefficiencies, the state run institutions and projects as we have seen in years bygone post-Independence, it is better imperative to have private participation along with the public particularly in infrastructure development. In the West as I observed the economic growth is fueled through major infrastructure development even which may in itself be a mirage as real economic growth may still elude these economies.
We in India would do well to understand that for a country of our size and diversity the best investment by the government would be in education and health that would deliver great outcomes over the long run in terms of enterprise, innovation and creativity that will be the cornerstone for future growth in an era of technology and information whereas the private sector may do well when it comes to better decision making and to ensure returns on investment. As spin off, better efficiencies and improved employment opportunities in a globally competitive world would be a definitive outcome. It would be a strategic approach and a tactical measure to attract foreign direct investment particularly in greenfield projects as well, with lower tax rates in India vis-a-vis the developed world. The developed world, including the US, is well aware that it could remain an attractive destinations for overseas investors considering the huge availability of an amount of USD 2 trillion from their international cash reserves. Reduced taxes would imply a growth push and increasing the interest rates by the central banks have been resorted to by most central banks to control money supply and inflation in as much as regulating liquidity and ensuring export competitiveness through currency depreciation. From a historical perspective it would be seen that most countries are vary of the fact that in a globalised world transnational corporations may easily shift their base for cost effective and better and cheaper manufacturing. No wonder that the developed economies with little or no politico-bureaucratic indulgence perform much better and corruption is kept at bay. In view of the foregoing it is fervently hoped that the Modinomics would take a cue from Obamanomics and would find a strategic path to usher in tactical solutions as discussed above by not only making Indian economy more liberalised and by eradicating the archaic jungle of bureaucratic rules and regulations ranging from the labour laws to the much needed reforms in goods and service taxes regime and the excise and income taxes that have eluded the Indian electorate in the past. India will no doubt emerge as an attractive investment destination and provide the much needed relief to both the honest tax payers and the foreign investors through the much needed reforms and liberalisation and by reduction of the taxation rates so as to usher in the ‘achey din’ that the country awaits.
In India’s National Interest: About Identity, Sense of Purpose and National Pride !
In India’s National Interest: About Identity, Sense of Purpose and National Pride!
India even today is a land of antiquity and a billion dreams not mutinies, not snake charmers but charmers of a different kind to woo the voters with freebies, where poorest of the poor do coexist with the stinking rich. An India where black money and black market thrives, where corrupt often display ill-gotten wealth,unabashedly, particularly in marriages and other social functions. A functioning anarchy where mis-governance is the name of the game particularly in the states and where India’s rich diversity of caste, creed, religion and beliefs is more often than not played up by unscrupulous politicians to achieve their own self-fulfilling goals.
Anoop Swarup
Incredible India as the sponsored banners run across the globe, yes incredible it is as India even today is a land of antiquity and a billion dreams not mutinies, not snake charmers but charmers of a different kind to woo the voters with freebies, where poorest of the poor do coexist with the stinking rich. An India where black money and black market thrives, where corrupt often display ill-gotten wealth,unabashedly, particularly in marriages and other social functions. A functioning anarchy where mis-governance is the name of the game particularly in the states and where India’s rich diversity of caste, creed, religion and beliefs is more often than not played up by unscrupulous politicians to achieve their own self-fulfilling goals. Yet India a great civilisation of the past is well set to make its mark on the global stage of the future.
Yes, indeed it is a sense of national pride and esteem, belongingness, fellowship and above all a sense of achievement, thus far on the back burner, now is exceptionally apparent. It is the exuding confidence of a new breed of global Indians everywhere including those who ride the world of transnationals and multinationals. Also the sweeping waves of change is visible in sports, in the World Cup cricket particularly. In Melbourne I could not help but feel elated at a sense of national identity with the swamy army swarming the MCG and pride on display among Indians of all hues and the admiration writ large on the faces of other nationalities with India on a wining spree. Incidentally all this is despite the mayhem of self-serving politicians, members of sports associations and their respective self acclaimed boards that thrive on public money and who do more disservice to their own proclaimed aims and ideals than any desire to achieve the goals and objectives for the country at large. A sense of national interest and national pride, though once in a while, is racked up in the anti-terror sentiments and on the border with Pakistan and of course by the Bollywood movies. The media ironically churns up more junk than other industry with a focus on TRP ratings and therefore more on sensationalism, yet more on politicians and the Bollywood actors than on any real news. In the fight against terror national pride and honour is relegated to the defence forces most of the time and virtues, apart from school text books, are considered to be the domain of gods and our glorious past.
As usual when we hear about the news headlines that Greenpeace is taking away 40,000 MW of projects from India, I do wonder if the so-called misguided notion of tribal rights and environmentalism have precedence over the tribals own legitimate demands for energy, growth and development. During the post-Independence nehruvian years there was a thought process to save the tribals from losing their identity and character. All these years we not only saw the tribal sub plans and the special constitutional status and protection for them though originally in their best interest did more damage than any good as these were the lost years as they were deprived of their legitimate aspirations to grow and be a part of the mainstream. It is indeed our own past perceptions that have made a huge difference to any change for the better that India could have seen all these years and been saved of the aftermath of the maoist onslaught in the tribal heartland, not to speak of the years gone by when the whole world was passing through the throes of growth and development.
Yes, in this backdrop the question remains — Is Greenpeace upholding sovereign rights and the so called right to defend tribal rights, freedom and democracy? Also the issue of national interest now being tested in the High Court is whether or not the integrity of India is compromised with a few individuals seeking to testify against India before a foreign parliament. Incidentally Istanbul declaration boldly proclaims the stalling of 45 per cent thermal projects in India. Is it not the fundamental duty of every Indian citizen to safeguard national interest that is development and the interest of the poorest of the poor before we talk about a very abstract idea of tribal rights and environmentalism that perhaps even the tribals do not understand.
Let me now address the issue of perceived national interest so much apparent when very recently a terror boat from Pakistan was set afire by suspected terrorists at Porbunder. The rhetoric and the counter statements were made more amusing by the flip-flop by the braggart DIG of Coast Guard. The absurdity of the entire situation was more evident as the episode not only became a game of ping-pong diplomacy between the two countries but the unfortunate statements made by the Congress party against the Defence Minister surprisingly enough had put their own party interest above national interest to the nations surprise. As usual and amazingly once again the Congress spokesperson appeared to make a case for Pakistan by raising amateurish question marks on the fire on board the fishing vessel from Pakistan. Again amidst all brickbats it was ironically enough the national interest and the prestige of our country that was being undermined. Surprisingly enough and once again against national interest, in one of the most bizarre cases of corporate espionage whence the top honchos of major oil companies were caught stealing documents from the corridors of Shastri Bhawan. Evidently this was being carried on for a number of years with national interest at stake, perhaps hand-in-glove with the mandarins in the Ministry who are as yet scot-free and had no idea that they were trading national secrets for little personal gain.
It is high time that India has to rethink, reformulate and implement a fresh approach to the idea of making a bold new India by rekindling and reigniting the spirit of national pride so that national interest becomes the prime mover for political discourse and the country’s development agenda does not suffer in the time to come. Idealism, honesty of purpose, great deeds and virtues to be emulated from great personalities of yesteryears are not to be left on the school text books but should be emulated by our leaders so that India has an overall sense of identity and purpose and it is national interest that has to be above any self interest and of course above any petty politics and outdated ideologies of the past.
Budget 2015: An exercise that is neither prudent nor populist
Budget 2015: An exercise that is neither prudent nor populist
Anoop Swarup
This was widely hailed as the budget of hopes that would usher in big bang reforms. Yes the budget has come and gone. Indeed there was an opportunity for the Modi government as he had enormous bounty by way of the crude oil windfall coupled with a favourable climate both in terms of the fiscal and the political scenario. The nation had given Prime Minister Modi the mandate and the common man as also the business world were both pinning all their hopes on a new found exuberance for ‘acchey din’ (Pm’s much hyped slogan of good days). In retrospect having intimately been associated with the budgetary exercise almost a decade ago in North Block, I may say now after the budget speech is over that it was an unimaginative budget aptly characterised as a ‘series of deferred promises’. Neither populist nor prudent enough for the 700 million of our fellow country men who’s daily livelihood is at stake. The story is the same on the job creation front with 13 million youngsters entering our work force every year. Not really, and therefore not surprisingly, the markets reacted – first with hope and then with dispair and disappointment.
Let me explain, on the macroeconomic front Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has stretched the fiscal consolidation roadmap by 0.3 percentage, thus the year wise fiscal deficit targets are 4.1 per cent for FY15, 3.9 per cent for FY16, 3.3 per cent for FY17 and 3 per cent for FY18, each year missing 30 bps. The quality of fiscal deficit is measured by the ratio of revenue deficit-to-fiscal deficit and it should be noted that a majority of the major international rating agencies have been warning the country about the high fiscal deficit in the past. In the run-up to the Budget, S&P and Moody’s had even said the high fiscal deficit was among the factors that constrains the country’s rating and consequential inflows and investments.
Yes the country needs public expenditure for building the economy not through wasteful non-plan expenditure but as plan expenditure and the fine print has a story to tell as the total additional public investment over and above the revenue estimates is planned to be Rs 1.25 trillion out of which only Rs 70,000 crore would be capital expenditure from budgetary outlays. Similarly the additional legroom created due to crude oil bonanza should have been used for job creation to reap the demographic dividend through capital expenditure and nation building and notfor embarking on a experimental financial devolution to the States. Surprisingly the plan reduction is probably because of devolution to the States, the General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR), a perfect tool against tax evasion, stands deferred by 2 yrs, the anticipated reforms in the EPF were not there, remaining of coal auctions are not yet taken up, the ATF hike of 8% may have inflationary repercussions. The Rail Budget ushered in a better reforms agenda but the contribution of Railways to the national GDP of just 2 per cent could have been doubled with better, higher and more aggressive growth trajectory through the induction of the ambitious bullet trains and more metros. Let us also not loose sight of the fact that our “I ways” are as important as “Highways” and the right boost to the IT sector could have been creatively managed so as to give the country an edge in the hot flat and crowded world that we have.
In the absence of adequate mechanism and safeguards against mis-governance in the States there may be apprehensions on the devolution of more finance to the States now proposed to be nearly 62 percent over the earlier 45 percent though an exercise that could have been best left to the Finance Commission that meets every 5 years, now the 14th. This announcement by Arun Jaitley perhaps in his overzealousness to please Narendra Modi who had to keep up the electoral assertion for greater revenue allocation to the States, though with the best intentions, will have adverse fallouts if it is not equitable and properly planned by the States that have no great past record of financial governance and accountability.
On the Monetary Policy front, substance misses out from the real objective of countering inflation and ensuring price stability as the Monetary Policy Framework and the Monetary Policy Committee announced as a copy cat to the US Federal Reserve and the British example that makes the RBI formally responsible and accountable for price stability and maintaining growth. In order to achieve the set 2-6% inflationary target the repo rate remains the key tool with the RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan’s statememnt today on Monetary Policy and the decision to reduce the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) by 25 basis points from 7.75 per cent to 7.5 per cent with immediate effect and in the process the reverse repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) now stands adjusted to 6.5 per cent. The latest rate cut is obviously to contain outside debt with foreign governments embarking on a rate cut spree to combat recessionary risks. It appears to be a confused document that sets in motion the hazards before the nation of a blame game between fiscal prudence of the government and the monetary limitations of the Reserve Bank as each is responsible in no less a measure for debt management and inflationary checks with no control on acts of gods such as flood and famine as also the international crude oil pricing that have a strong bearing on supply side factors such as fuel and food. Even the RBI Governor has underscroed this in his latest monetary polic statment by stating: “Food prices will be affected by the seasonal upturn that typically occurs ahead of the south-west monsoon and, therefore, steps the government takes on food management will be critical in determining the inflation outlook. Finally, the possible spill over of volatility from international financial markets through exchange rate and asset prices channels is also still a significant risk.”
On the fiscal prudence front there is much left to be desired in the latest Budget proposals as a hike in service tax rates to 14 percent though not populist, ostensibly to bring the same in line with the proposed GST roll out has a potential inflationary fallout and the burden particularly will be on the middle and lower income groups. The roll out on GST being deferred to April 2016 raises question marks on the urgency for such a hike. Not raising of the much anticipated personal income tax slabs that could have given a boost to public spending and consumption in a recessionary economy for better demand appears as a big disappointment to the honest service class in our country that form the bulk of the 3.5 million middle class tax payers.
For the Stock Markets there appears to be some imprudence as the extra 2 per cent surcharge on dividend distribution will have a negative impact on investor sentiments as the corporates may rebalance dividend payouts downwards to compensate. The threshold for Transfer Pricing has been raised to 200 million rupees from the current 50 million deferred much to the delight of the Corporate world. The abolition of wealth tax does appear to be a sop for the wealthy but a welcome step as it was more evaded than aided in the past. Similarly, a hike in surcharge on high incomes can only be seen as a mere revenue mopping measure to the tune of 9000 crores but the tax burden may dampen the spirits of India Inc. The promises do include a commitment to reduce corporate tax rates over the next four years, while plugging exemptions. The government also seeks to remove the distinction between foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment through the introduction of the Corporate Investment Fund that might have a beneficial effect in certain sectors, especially the private banks that are now poised to play a more important role.
The Direct Tax Code as also Indirect Tax Code is yet to see the light of the day and the much needed simplicity and brevity in tax collection process is once again on the back burner for the next year. Though Jaitley did mention low cost and high yield tax and merger of education cess for ease of computation, it may be hoped that the much needed education and skilling agenda of yesteryears is not lost sight of. On the health front, higher tax exemption of 25000 rupees and the social safety net and the facility of pension to individuals, an additional deduction of Rs 50,000 proposed for contribution to the New Pension Scheme under Section 80CCD was a welcome measure.Also on the positive side there is some conscious effort in the budget to encourage manufacture and reduce raw material cost as Customs and Excise duties have been lowered on many intermediate goods. Customs duties have been cut on metal parts, insulated wires, refrigerators’ compressor parts, catalytic converter compounds, sulphuric acid. Among sophisticated electronic equipment, duties on video cameras, endoscopes, optic fibre and LED/LCD panels have been reduced and tablet computers will also be cheaper. There appears to be some protection for domestic iron & steel manufacturers with customs duties being hiked on imports of iron and steel to protect domestic industries. Imported trucks and buses will also become more expensive, which will mean a boost to domestic commercial vehicle sales.
India’s share of global manufacturing at only .9 % compared to China’s 3.1 % and US 25% could have been rectified for the ‘Make in India’ and the ‘Made in India’ campaigns through a more aggressive boost for investments in Skilling and Education at the school and primary level for the demographic dividend that we already have to be capitalised. The additional depreciation at 20 per cent allowed for plant and machinery installed at manufacturing units, or power generating units will encourage investments. Also the spending on infrastructure to be hiked to 70,000 crore in 2015-16 is a positive sign as is the proposed tax-exemptions for investments in infrastructure bonds to rope in household savings. The government will have to demonstrate its ability to get projects moving through land and labour reforms and a bigger bottleneck perceived is actual implementation through good governance and not mere paucity of funds. Besides, the allocations for building roads and bridges, though significantly enhanced to boost the capacity of construction companies and the road developers, critical reforms are also needed in the PPP framework to ensure better accountability and on time targets. The power sector gains with a commitment to setup five new “plug-and-play” Ultra Mega Power Projects but the Investors have to be taken into confidence for actual clearance and linkages to come through in the plug and play model. It may be counter-productive at this stage to have doubled the “green” cess on coal as it means higher thermal tariffs that will be passed on to the consumers though it will encourage growth in terms of renewable energy. Again a prudent measure for ‘Swach Bharat’ as effluent and waste-water treatment plants get a break from service tax and a boost to profitability for private players.
Finally, a law on black money may be in the offing with heavy penalties and no settlement as also restrictions on Benami property and achieving a cashless society through reduction in cash transactions and the Rupaya Debit Card. India has overtaken China with an insatiable appetite for the yellow metal as it presently imports over 100 tons of gold annually and has over 20000 tons in existing stocks. The monetisation of gold through the Sovereign Gold Bonds and the Indian Gold Coins would be a welcome step as it brings an hitherto un-utilised economic asset in the national mainstream.
On balance, though apparently a pragmatic Budget, it is neither populist nor prudent. On its own it may not help to accelerate growth in absence of concomitant reforms in the environmental laws, land acquisition laws, labour laws and the housing and infra sector. We need a committed bureaucracy and a political leadership that has to demonstrate a investment friendly approach as also stable and predictable policy and taxes, ease of doing business, element of certainty, tax clarity for REITS, Transfer pricing, Tax Administration Reform Commission (TARC) and Shome Committee recommendations to be implemented in both letter and spirit. More importantly job creation through the revival of growth appears more in letter than in real spirit in the financial statement of the year. The five challenges addressed by the Finance Minister in his budget speech that include impetus for agricultural under stress and manufacturing growth down to 17 percent, fiscal discipline and infrastructural infusion through cooperative federalism by devolution to the States do remain abstract and elusive.
No wonder the Budget was not the big bang that the country expected considering the optimism of a brand new government and the opportune time. For the common man the certainty of death and taxes remains as true and as omnipresent as ever.
Values and Ethics in Media and Mass Communication
Values and Ethics in Media and Mass Communication
Anoop Swarup
Oscar Wilde, the very popular Anglo Irish Dramatist and Poet who lived from 1854 to 1900, more than a century ago, lamented “Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing”. How true even today, I observed while addressing the distinguished gathering at the Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication at the end of a two day national seminar on Values and Ethics in Media and Mass Communication. I could grasp that there has been an extensive debate and brainstorming on specific values and ethical principles as also a variety of approaches to address the standards of media whether it was radio and TV, film, theatre, the arts, print and now the revolutionary social and digital media, and the internet. Values as perceived by us may differ from an individual’s or societal perceptions and may be absolute or relative but the assumption of which does form the basis for ethical action in a society. Also let us not forget that though principal values may have foundational values it is the physiological values that are more subjective than objective that influence the individuals and the society as a whole and it is the media alone that has a critical role in defining these.
I could see that journalistic ethics do tend to dominate media ethics, almost to the exclusion of other areas perhaps rightly so, as the issue of news manipulation by both the governments and the corporations through censorship and ownership may only just be the tip of the iceberg as there have been more subtle methods of manipulations both voluntary and involuntary across the globe. Ironically enough and much to the chagrin of the masses those being manipulated may not even be aware of it. If I may remind that our freedom in large part depends in continuation of a free press which remains the strongest guarantor of a free society. Obviously we have to be watchful that the truth is never compromised on the edifice of values. Fortunately our founding fathers enshrined these values in the Constitution but it is the truth that shall prevail even in public interest – a term not easy to define that has been much used and abused and may range from public morality to law and order, and from military secrets to seditious behavior.
We should not forget that privacy is a fundamental right that conflicts invariably with rights to liberty, free speech and expression guaranteed under the Constitution. Entertainment and the depiction of violence and sex that borders from sensationalisation to extreme fantasy and compromises, both in terms of ethics and the truth, has now emerged as one of the core issues with the onset of the new media. Virtually every day, on the digital media, be it the Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, or the newer applications on the rise, that we witness the paparazzi scandals, the rape episodes and even the fauxtography and morphing episodes that seriously compromise an individual’s privacy. We may cite and derive innumerable examples that were in the limelight, be it the recent gang rape of a Swiss tourist, the Dimapur lynching, and the Nirbhaya case that became a landmark for legislative reform and shook the nations conscience, not to speak of the immense controversy generated globally by Google’s censorship in China, the Charlie Hebdo’s satirical cartoons and the linked terror attack in Paris, Jyllands Posten Muhammad Cartoons in Denmark, Jayson Blair scandal, Adnan Hajj photographs or the sensational slayings by the ISIL, including that of the young Jordanian pilot that went viral on social media or back at home the recent documentary on India’s daughter televised by the BBC and the list goes on.
No wonder the shock and awe value of the audio visual media may always compromise ethics and be in conflict with the law of the land as social and digital media now are in the hands of every individual who have now overtaken even the undercover and investigative reporters who kept the law enforcement agencies on tenterhook till recently. The conflict on issues of perception and confidentiality of news sources with our values and ethics make the exercise of a code of ethics a very complex one for either the Censor Board or the Press Council. Let us not forget that the issuance of a circular notifying the no go words and phrases by the Central Board of Film Certification became a ugly war even among the very members of the Board. Advertising and placement of products in entertainment and news media where huge sums may pass hands to influence perceptions and to create stereotypes is a controversial practice that remains as yet largely unregulated. Negative perceptions as also stereotypes of tastes and taboos in the name of artistic freedom, may promote socially undesirable behavior through the negative portrayal of women, ethnicity and affluence.
It is an irony of sorts, recently a popular Hindi Newspaper Dainik Bhaskar publicly proclaimed ‘no negative news on Mondays’. Let us understand that normative ethics is more often than not about moral values, as in the name of art, media may break with existing norms to shock the audience for better TRP ratings. If we go by the words of Hetherington ‘anything is news if it threatens peace and prosperity’ as we see that now even in our national media, the distinction between news and views does not exist anymore. This is more obvious than ever before as during the prime time on the television, on a channel such as ‘Times Now’ where at times even with Arnab Goswami anchoring the show, the viewers find it difficult to even understand the issues at hand leave alone the news or the views at stake. The overzealous anchors in their rush for better viewership in these highly competitive days do go overboard and make the very critical issues at hand, into a shouting match between the invited parties. Invariably we end up listening only to the views and the statements made by none else but the anchor alone, a constant band of those who are invariably broughton board as experts and the political rivals, whose job is only to defend the indefensible. So we mostly end up either cocked up or vegetating before our TV screens allowing ourselves to be bombarded with a lot of cacophony. Many panel dcussions on TV news channels have reminded me of Shakespeare and his proverbial quote from Macbeth: “full of sound and fury…..signifying nothing.
In a value Orientation survey also known as Schwartz Value Survey sometime back it was revealed that exposure to media – print, visual and internet – is directly linked to the value orientation of individuals and the society at large. Political scientists Ronald Inglehart and Christian Wetzel in their Worlds Value Survey created a scatter plot with values such as traditional ones to more rational ones on Y Axis and the ones such as survival values to self expression and life quality. Interestingly enough India along with south Asia occupied the middle of the graph with the United States at bottom and the protestant world on the diagonal top, whereas the Confucian world was on top of the Y Axis and the Latin American world was more towards the X axis. Thus the media in democracies shares a very critical relationship with the state that changes with time though hallmarked and constitutionally enshrined. Yes, ethical guidelines, regulation and ratings may help the exercise of freedom by individual journalists and the people at large but eternal vigilance is a must for the health of the society and the country. Professor Harold Lasky once commented ‘Eternal vigilance is the price of democracy’. Thus I may mention that good governance by the representatives in a democratic state has to be transparent and accountable and is best safeguarded only by a watchful fourth estate. Let us also be mindful that values do change over time and may vary from societies and cultures but the principal values and ethics are eternal.
With great interest I watched the interview of Justice Markandey Katju, the Chairman of Press Council of India by Karan Thapar. He talked of his disappointment on the negative role of media in India. He asserted that the media was anti-people in an obvious reference to the several episodes of paid news, he felt that the media is also dividing people on communal and religious lines by sensationalizing news such as the desecration of places of worship and above all it is promoting superstitions in a oblique reference to the several television channels promoting astrology and “vaastu” that does not promote scientific temper in society. Quoting Diderot he said that ‘Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entails of the last priest’. Yes, India no doubt is in a transition phase from a Industrial society to a post industrial society and from a feudal set up to a modern progressive country where we do need enlightened men with the highest integrity and intellect of the likes of Thomas Paine and Rousseau who had reformed the western world.
We may debate a code of ethics eternally and promulgate a new Regulatory Authority but it is for us as a society that we should never forget what Edmund Burke had to say ‘all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’.
Let there be fireworks on five star activism, introspection, scrutiny and Judicial Reforms
Let there be fireworks on five star activism, introspection, scrutiny and Judicial Reforms
Anoop Swarup
The issue of five star activism and what drives the judiciary has been raked up by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and it has become a subject matter of intense debate particularly on new media. The issue does stir up a hornet’s nest and underscores the need for a closer look at the two oscillating ends–perception and reality. On this focal point, the obvious corollary is the need for judicial introspection, a point so succinctly raised by the Prime Minster – though equally stoutly defended by the Chief Justice of India at the Conference of Chief Ministers of States and the Chief Justices of the High Courts.
We have to be mindful that probity and truth should never be compromised for fear of contempt on the edifice of upholding judicial integrity or purported divinity. In a democracy people have the right to know the truth and justice should neither be delayed nor denied but delivered every time. Individual rights, judicial integrity and independence though hallmarked in a democracy have to time and again stand the test of public scrutiny over time as enshrined in the Constitution. The set customary law and conventions can in no case take precedence to the dictum that ‘truth alone should triumph’ in the end. We should not forget that values imbibed over the ages may conflict invariably with rights to liberty, free speech and expression guaranteed by the Constitution and on grounds of public morality, national interest and defence.
Also the overall good of the people, public interest and a due process of inquiry to find the truth in a specific case will have to take precedence even at the expense of individual’s rights. Thus judicial activism even if considered to be five star opens up to scrutiny not only judicial pronouncements and legislative intent but also our existing notions of right or wrong even if it has been tested earlier before a Court of Law. Thus very much like the other three pillars in a democracy judiciary even if considered divine Mr Prime Minister and constitutionally guaranteed should be open to introspection and scrutiny.
The issue of five star activism and what drives the judiciary has been raked up by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has become a subject matter of intense debate particularly on new media. The issue does stir up a hornet’s nest and underscores the need for a closer look at the two oscillating ends–“perception and reality”. On this focal point, the obvious corollary is the need for judicial introspection, a point so succinctly raised by the Prime Minster – though equally stoutly defended by the Chief Justice of India at the Conference of Chief Justices and the Chief Ministers. Let us delve into a few examples, Shreya Singhal who fought the IT Act’s 66A Case in the apex court, was perhaps a five star activist who had indeed safeguarded our right to freedom of expression; in the Rhea Pillai matter the pronouncement by Delhi High Court, the views of the Court on the Nirbhaya BBC Documentary; giving people the right to reject and the list goes on. Let me also ask, in Subramanian Swamy’s filing of 2G and 3G matters – was the judiciary responding only to perceptions and why should the judicial pronouncements in Bhopal Gas tragedy be not open to public debate and scrutiny in larger public interest as it may be alleged that the Courts were influenced by five star activism of the government in power at the time. Yes we may very well question five star activism at Kudakulum Power Plant and finally let me ask the question is Teesta Setalwad, a five star activist? Ironically enough when she approached the UNCHR she was pulled up by none other than the Supreme Court of India.
Thus judicial scrutiny by the Courts themselves can be a matter of five star activism. Why judiciary should not be not brought in the ambit of the right to information? Is it a ominous warning to the hitherto unquestioned judiciary, perhaps not, and was the Chief Justice really countering the Prime Minister? It may be said that brevity is not the soul of wit but the centre point of a strong argument, both for and against. So let us examine the issue further even at the cost of contempt. I recall almost three decades ago, while posted in Kolkata I had to run from pillar to posts at great personal risk to have the stays vacated against smugglers from all over the country as we found to our dismay that in about four score COFEPOSA matters anticipatory bails were taken from a particular judge of the High Court that too surreptitiously on Holidays by invoking the constitutional writ jurisdiction of the Court by showing residence in the Andaman Islands by unscrupulous Counsels.
Thus in the infamous Coalgate case where Prashant Bhushan had filed a petition on Coal Block allocation was it a matter of judicial activism? Someone wittingly commented that Coal had indeed turned into diamond for some. I do find it amusing that the entire discussion in the public domain has centred around the culpability of ex Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh rather than the overall intent of the policy and its departure in so called larger public interest coloured even more by criminality and conspiracy in the actual manner of Coal Block allocation. Supreme Court’s relief to the former Prime Minister from summons of the Trial Court, though not a clean chit, may be questioned on grounds of jurisdiction and on finer legal arguments. But as observed by some, we should not loose track of the fact that there was a departure from an established policy since 1993 to 2005 where the process followed involved a screening committee and that the auctions were shelved ostensibly at the behest of the States that have an unique responsibility in respect of the sources in their jurisdiction. Was it a political consideration and a deeper conspiracy involving vested interests of all political hues that were hand in glove with private interests that the then Prime Minister overruled coal allocation in favour of a private party Hindalco? I do vividly recall a case where as early as in 1990 that we had detected a case of duty evasion at Kolkata Customs on pitchblende by Hindalco.The defraud to the exchequer and criminality if any could only be investigated by a professionally run CBI that is free of the ruling government’s diktat and a well informed and proactive judiciary as a watch dog on executive functioning and may well be the final recourse in our democratic polity.
Then there is the matter of judicial oversight on political decisions and lets take the case of misplaced priorities for good governance as the Chief Minister of the newly set up Telengana State buying Toyota Fortuner SUVs and latest in the series is purchasing of IPhones at a cost of INR 30 crore from the starved State finances just to appease the bureaucracy, an irony that besets our country’s poor record of governance in the States. Let me remind the readers that in Telengana, farmers are starving and the State is facing a debt of INR 61,710 crore necessitating an austere budget. These and the so called pre poll bonanzas such as cheap rice, free waivers and doles being distributed from the exchequer in many States where the politicians deserve to be under judicial scrutiny.
Therefore the question remains whether the judiciary is really divine as was mentioned by the Prime Minister or can be influenced in our country by unscrupulous counsels and judges acting in tandem with undesirable elements and the law-breakers. In fact judicial activism has been the hallmark of our judicature since independence and has made India proud on several occasions as is appreciated the world over. Perhaps, even if it was a mere exchange of ideas by the Prime Minister with the Judiciary any amount of introspection will always be welcome. The fact remains that it is actually the five star activists, both within the judiciary and beyond who have, through public interest litigation, judicial scrutiny and oversight, brought to the fore, issues that range from rights of individuals to upholding freedom and liberty, public interest and national interest, ethics and morals by refining and redefining our values and of course the course of judicial reforms and for good governance. After all and in the end it is ‘Truth alone that should Triumph”, let there be ‘Satyameva Jayate’ for the judiciary and our country.
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